Who runs the Bingo Sessions?
Carefree Bingo has 10 different non-profit organizations that run their own sessions. Each organization runs their own games and progressive jackpot.
How much does it cost to play bingo?
It depends on the organization running the session. On average, it costs about $7.00 per pack. If you decide to use an electronic unit, each group charges an additional fee for its use. It is best to contact the group of the session you’re interested in to confirm. There are side games available for purchase as well.
How do I pay for bingo?
All groups accept cash. Most groups accept checks. Please check the schedule or contact the hall to verify what methods of payment are accepted.
How old do I have to be to play bingo?
BBy state law a person over 18 must buy the cards and/or accept the winnings, however, any age can play.
How long does a bingo session last?
A bingo session will last on average 2-2 ½ hours. Midway through the session the club will offer a 10-minute break to stretch or visit the snack bar.
Can my children come to play with me?
It depends on the club. Children are welcome at most sessions, but some clubs have a minimum age limit. Please check the schedule for this information.
What are Phd’s and how much do they cost?
A Phd is a Portable Handheld Device that is an electronic bingo card. It can be loaded with up to 100 cards per game. Each club charges differently for use of these devices. Package deals are available per club.
Do you have a player’s card?
Carefree Bingo does offer a player’s card. This card rewards an individual for playing by accruing 15 points per session you play. These points can be used for purchase of food and merchandise at the snack bar. They cannot be used for purchase of bingo cards, however. Each player is required to have a separate players card. Come by the snack bar and they will be happy to register a card for you.
Do you host birthday parties?
We do not host birthday parties. In the state of Colorado, the clubs hosting bingo are required to be non-profit organizations, so Carefree Bingo cannot charge for this service. If you would like to recognize a birthday, call the club in advance to see if there is something they can offer.
How will I know if I have bingo?
The pattern you have daubed on your card will match the pattern of the current game being played. This pattern will be announced prior to playing and is displayed on the flashboards. If you are using an electronic unit, it will notify you when you have won.
What do I do when I get a bingo?
Yell “Bingo” and a club representative will verify your card numbers. Don’t be shy – yell loud. You will get paid for you winnings immediately for most games. Sometimes a club must issue the winnings via check for larger pots.
Is there a winner of every game?
Yes, every game has a winner.
Are my winnings taxed?
In the state of Colorado your winnings are not taxed up to $1200.00. If you’ve won over this amount the club will issue you a W-2G form for your tax return.
Can more than one person win a single game?
Yes, if more than one player has matched the pattern at the same time, there is more than one winner. The cash payout for the game is split evenly among the winners.
Can I bring my own food or drink?
Outside food is not allowed in the hall.
What is a progressive jackpot?
A progressive jack is a jackpot that builds per session based on headcount and a percentage of the buy in. It grows over time and can max out at $15,000 in the State of Colorado. Each club will hold a “must-go” to give away this progressive at a point in which they determine. Must-Go’s may or may not be announced by a club. Check our website for known must – go sessions.